Kotatsu tables are a unique type of furniture that originated in Japan. They are low tables with a built-in electric heater beneath the table that is covered by a blanket or futon.
This makes them ideal for staying warm during the colder months. But just how high are kotatsu tables?
Kotatsu tables come in a wide range of sizes, but generally they range between 9 to 18 inches tall. This makes them quite low to the ground, allowing you to stay close to the heat source and stay warm. The height also allows you to easily tuck your legs beneath the table and enjoy the warmth of the kotatsu.
The height of kotatsu tables is usually adjustable, allowing you to find the perfect height for your needs. Some tables can be adjusted to as low as 6 inches, while others can be raised to around 24 inches. Depending on the model and brand of kotatsu table, you can find the perfect height for your needs.
Kotatsu tables are also often sold with a set of cushions and pillows that can be used to make the experience even more comfortable. These cushions and pillows can often be adjusted to the perfect height, allowing you to stay warm and comfortable while using the kotatsu.
Kotatsu tables are a great way to stay warm during the colder months. Their low height makes them ideal for tucking your legs beneath the table to stay close to the heat source.
They also come in a range of sizes and are adjustable, allowing you to find the perfect height for your needs. With the addition of cushions and pillows, you can stay comfortable and warm while using your kotatsu table.